Published: 28 August 2019

Reading time: About 2 minutes

Automated Intelligence (AI) has successfully completed a pilot data remediation and governance project for a large utilitorganisation.  

During the initial pilot stage, AI analysed and governed a subset of data within the energy company to identify any personal and sensitive information which was present.  

This allowed the organisation to manage its risk more effectively and to plan for a wider roll-out of technology across its entire data estate.  

Customer Situation 

The organisation has in excess of 250TB of unstructured data within Fileshares and Exchange which can be analysed and brought under control using AI.DATALIFT 

The organisation understands that it needs to remediate its data to deal with DROT (duplicate, redundant, obsolete and trivial) information. 

Since the introduction of GDPR, the energy company has calculated that a typical Subject Access Request (SAR) currently takes in excess of 40 man-hours to complete. The organisation needs its data to be analysed, cleansed and indexed to aid this SAR process. 

Automated Intelligence solution 

AI.DATALIFT by Automated Intelligence is unique in its ability to provide deep insight into large-scale data silos that are typically challenging to understand. Within hours, AI.DATALIFT can begin to provide a single view of an organisation’s data estate.  

During the pilot, the energy company was able to see what data it currently holds, where it is located, who has access to it, and what compliance and GDPR risks it currently faces. 

Within the GDPR compliance dashboard, GDPR Subject Access Requests can be monitored, managed and completed quickly and seamlessly. In addition to the automation and speed benefits, the GDPR solution also ensures that all the relevant content across all data sources has been discovered. 

The utility company’s long-term project will assist in reducing the overall amount of data and in doing so, provide substantial longterm savings on storage costs.  

For more information on AI.DATALIFT’s remediation, governance and GDPR solutions, please visit